We introduce the fine arts. If you desire any object, we look for it. Please inquire us by the telephone and e-mail.
古伊万里染錦金彩花籠絵皿Ko-Imari Kinrande Somenishiki Dish
価格:お問い合わせ (Please Contact)
古伊万里 染錦美人図の壺Ko-Imari Baluster Jar
染錦柿右衛門 梅柘榴草花文皿Kakiemon Somenishiki Dish
古伊万里 色絵人形Ko-Imari Figure of Actor
古伊万里 色絵唐獅子牡丹文蓋物Ko-Imari Kinrande a CoveredVessel with Lion and Peony